
Go Crusades

Miracles, signs and wonders are love letters written to us by God to attest that God can do the unthinkable. At Go crusades, God has always written us these love letters in diverse ways by honoring people with creative miracles; the blind sees, the lame walk, the sick healed and the afflicted set free. Furthermore, we herald Christ in communities, villages, cities, nations & in every nook and cranny on the earth.

This mandate sees to the massive depopulation of hell, massive salvation of souls, miracles, signs and wonders for God’s glory to be revealed. (Mathew 4:16-17, John 3:16, John 4:35)

Medical Outreaches

Medical science is one of the products of mans’ creativity which God has allowed to be a blessing to humanity.

We offer standard free medical services to people in rural and urban settlements who cannot afford them. basic and specialised medical services are provided during the outreaches. (Luke 10:34, 3 John 2)


Once anyone receive the life of Christ and the Spirit of God, that individual have a calling to be a helper in anyway God enables him to.

We as a ministry do not downplay what God can do through us to extend God’s outstretched arms to the needy and less privileged in the society. Helping the needy is a mandate God has given us because God says; whoever gives to the needy, lends to Him. (Matthew 25:34-40, Luke 14:12-14, Deuteronomy 15:11)

GO Teens

We currently live in a world full of pressure and temptation on every side. Knowing fully well that teenagers are vulnerable to bow to this pressure, God has laid it in our hearts at GO Global to raise teens with staying power, and decisiveness, passion and burning zeal for the Father to enable the teens to know their God early.

Those God have raised through this ministry have a sense of direction in God and are unwavering in their commitment and devotion. (Psalm 119:9, Jeremiah 29:11, Mark 16:15)


In a time when women have come to realise that gender is not a barrier to be who God has called them to become, the power of praying women has never been more important to remind us that the world needs praying women.

Women today are breaking boundaries and forging new paths in the world; therefore, travail is birthed. Travail is a birthing Retreat forum for ladies where ladies on their knees, find their identities in Christ, forerun the move of God in every endeavour of their lives and society at large. (Isaiah 66:8, Psalm 144:12)

Heartz Ablaze

It is written that “it is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is still young” at GO Global, Heartz ablaze is a Youth Camp Meeting where young individuals come together to press in the Spirit, burn for God and experience God.

Also, godly passion and desires are kindled, in addition, there is impartation and transformation for the total man. (1Timothy 4:12, Ecclesiastes 12:1)

Encounter City Conference

Our city conferences deliver the light and power of God in its Fullness to this generation. The house of Zebulun and Naphtali have seen a great light. (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 10:14-15)

Church Plant

The greatest need of the world today is Christ; while soul winning is important, discipleship of believers is important as well.

This is to enable believers to have a solid foundation, because a well-grounded believer will be able to stand the test of time no matter what life bring their ways. (1 Corinthians 3:5-7, Acts 15:16-17, 30-31)

Times of Refreshing

This is an expression of the mandate that reaches out to the people within and around the city of Warri.


In scriptures, we studied how people prayed to God and things turned around. Joshua prayed and the sun and the moon obeyed him; Jabez prayed and God heard him; Hannah prayed until Samuel was birthed; Hezekiah prayed to God and his stay on earth was extended.

At Go Global, we have a prayer forum where we birth the plans and purposes of God in every ramification and endeavour of life. Here, we pour water ahead, so we walk on wet grounds. In addition, we engage the power of prayer to disrupt, frustrate & stop the devices of the
enemy. (Isaiah 66:8, Galatians 4:19)

Outreach Unit & Prayer Unit:

Every Go-Global Member is automatically a member of these units.



  • Immerse Worship

  • Media

  • Sound/ Technical

  • Sanitation

  • Ushering/ Protocol/ Greeter’s

  • Welfare/ Pastoral care